Monday, January 11, 2010

Girlfriends saya sekarang ;D

I am spending 40 minutes to type this post ;D

Since Zarina wrote about her best friends, I want to write about it too. Hehe. Copy cat :)

My first best friend is Ain Zulaika. She was my dorm-mate in Rawang. We were very close. And nak kate berapa kali gadoh? Countless! Hehe ;p We had planned our own rocket I think, named “AI-TI” (ain-tiqah) haha I missed my old time ;)

Yana Zulkifli, Najla' shakirah, Khairunnajwa, Hamiza suadin, Hasanah syafi'e, nadrah . They are my best-ever friends ;D

Next! Wan Hanis Syazni, my lovely roommate. Haha. Kalau sehari xgelak dengan dia mmg x sah! She makes me so happy and we never fight, not even once. Thanks wan, sebab ko aku happy selalu ;D
I feel so sad to think about next semester, mcm mane aku nak hidop tanpa ko Wan. Haha *exaggeration*

Then, Hanan and Anis, both of them are always make me forget about my problems. I really love to hang out with both of them. If I have something to say or anything to confess, I will tell Hanan. Hehe.

The next persons are Yana and Kinah. Haha. They are such a good friends. I love them so much you know. Huhu.

Ahh-ha ,Zarina! She was my schoolmate at Tadika Al Hidayah Kampong Selayang Indah even though at that point of time I didn't know her actually but we know that we studied there. Saya kelas B, dia kelas A. kelas kami sebelah-sebelah tapi xpenah kenal. Tapi kami pasti kami dari sekolah yang sama sebab masa naik bas, murid-murid kena ikat tali dekat beg masing2 dan kami ingat lagi peraturan itu.

"My dearest friends,
I really love you lillah so much and please forgive me if I had done something wrong or hurt you"


farhana said...

thanks tisyai,,,i love you too,,,my dear friend,,,wlupun aku baru kenal ko,,but you are the best,,thanks sbb sudi jadi kawan aku,,,hehe,,i hope our friendship will never end tau,,i'm so happy to know you as my friend,,nuratiqah mohd fadzil,hehe,thank you so much,,,

tqa.awesome said...

thnks yana,
ukhuwah lillah~

NuSaNa NoSa 91 said...

nape la sadis sgt ayt korang ni??
waaaaa~ T.T

pape pon..
thanx kt korang sbb sudi dgr luahn mslh & mslh ati aq..

[sakuradila] said...

alamak ai,ko tulis sepintar je,rindu^^

Saya Sarah said...

bru ku tau hakikat dunia..sarah not in the list rupa2nya..sedihnya...

tqa.awesome said...

dela. ha'ah. agak rindu lah dgn sepintar :)

wahai sarah ku syg.
ololooo you are my good, the best listener lahh :D

dlm list gk tp invisible. hehe

ina zarina said...

haha..schoolmate~ sangat pasti.dan sangat berbangga menjadi warga tadika al-hidayah, kg selayang indah~~haha

ikat tali kat belakang beg=so that kte tw kite nek bas mane kan??haha.supaya x ilang anak owg.hehe

pastu, egt x daun pokok kering 2???simpul2~hehe

weh2~jgn lupe ag sowg.nangis dy kang.haha.najmi2~heee

tqa.awesome said...

hehe ;p

Anonymous said...

sgt terharu...sobsob....
sayelah org pertama...

bgge + tak terhingga = syukur..

syg kamoo juge....

dgr lgu "pastikan by kak CT"..

tqa.awesome said...

hah gg ooh gg.
weh lagu pastikan tu lagu ak ngn org laen lahh.

ko lagu ni lahh.
erm pe ek?

yursi erra tulah.
jika kau tiada.
