malu ah nak ngaku tapi
nah ni blog baru saya :D
memang gedik ah buat blog baru time time nak exam ni
jika disandarkan segalanya pada diri sendiri, kita akan merasa letih dan lemah kerana tanggungjawab itu memang melebihi masa yang ada dan memang hakikat manusia itu lemah.. tapi sandarkanlah segalanya kepada Allah, mudah-mudahan Allah berikan kita kekuatan.. ingatlah kita bukan sendirian..
// WARNING: When editing this code, copying and pasting, deleting lines, etc - Please be very careful and DOUBLE check your work. If you accidentally delete one little punctuation mark that you're not supposed to, or if you leave some lines in there that you're supposed to delete, or if you paste code in the wrong spot, etc the entire code won't work.
// WARNING: Do NOT delete the quotes around the font URL. This is a very common typo and your fonts won't show up if you delete them. Only change USERNAME to your username and FONTNAME to the name of the font you uploaded.
var kevinandamanda = {
src: ''
// This block of code changes your Post Title. If you want to use the default Blogger font for your Post Titles, delete these lines:
sIFR.replace(kevinandamanda, {
selector: '',
fitExactly: false,
tuneHeight: -5,
css: ['.sIFR-root { color: #000000; font-size: 34px; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; img src="}'
,'a { text-decoration: none; }'
,'a:link { color: #000000; }'
,'a:hover { color: #000000; }'
wmode: 'transparent',
ratios: [6, 1.93, 10, 1.92, 13, 1.86, 17, 1.82, 21, 1.8, 29, 1.79, 32, 1.78, 33, 1.77, 36, 1.78, 43, 1.77, 44, 1.76, 47, 1.77, 70, 1.76, 71, 1.75, 74, 1.76, 75, 1.75, 76, 1.76, 1.75]
//End of Post Title code.
// This block of code changes the Sidebar Titles. If you have a third column, copy and paste the following lines at the bottom of this file. Change the word "sidebar" to the name of your third column. Only the word sidebar, don't mess with the # or the h2.
sIFR.replace(kevinandamanda, {
selector: '#sidebar h2 ',
fitExactly: false,
tuneHeight: -5,
css: ['.sIFR-root { color: #000000; font-size: 20px; font-weight: normal; }'
,'a { text-decoration: none; }'
,'a:link { color: #000000; }'
,'a:hover { color: #000000; }'
wmode: 'transparent',
ratios: [6, 1.93, 10, 1.92, 13, 1.86, 17, 1.82, 21, 1.8, 29, 1.79, 32, 1.78, 33, 1.77, 36, 1.78, 43, 1.77, 44, 1.76, 47, 1.77, 70, 1.76, 71, 1.75, 74, 1.76, 75, 1.75, 76, 1.76, 1.75]
//End of Sidebar code.
var kevinandamanda = {
src: ''
David ni di charge atas tuduhan merogol budak pompuan 11 tahun(jiran dia). muka dia punya lah innocent, suci aje tau. 3 tahun dia dipenjarakan. biasela procedure court mesti lama kan. nak tau seterusnya? kena tengok cerita ni.
Dari telinga jatuh ke hati, itu wanita, mudah terpesona dengan apa yang didengarinya. Akibatnya, sering tertipu antara pujian hakiki dan tipu helah perangkap. Dari mata jatuh ke hati, itu lelaki, mudah terpesona dengan apa yang dilihatnya, hingga kerap terkeliru antara indah hakiki & palsu. Justeru, wanita perlu berhati2 dgn ucapan indah yg didengarinya, lelaki perlu menjaga pandangannya...
okay, anda mengantok, lesu, tidak bermaya di dalam kuliah? gunakanlah DETOX. haha. post ni bukan untuk jual² produk pon. itu gune blog lagi satu :)
weh asal tak makan sayur² tu, nanti tak sihat
lah tak makan sayur ke, meh bak sini
nape ko tak makan sayor ni, tak seimbang betol makanan ko